No-Cost Event at Pine Avenue Community Center in Carlsbad, CA
Turning 65 Today
Navigating Your Medicare Options

*This event is not sponsored by or affiliated with the Pine Ave. Community Center or the City of Carlsbad.
Event Details
Pine Avenue Community Center
3209 Harding St
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Event Options:
– Tuesday, October 15 at 6:00 p.m. – Thursday, October 17 at 6:00 p.m.
Seating is limited. Nothing will be sold and there is no charge to attend!
The world of Medicare can be intimidating and confusing, which is why we want to help ensure you are prepared as you turn 65. We offer easy-to-understand, comprehensive, informational tools to help guide you through the seemingly complex world of Medicare planning.
Join us for a no-cost and special presentation at Pine Avenue Community Center where we’ll cover any questions you may have, including:
- How does Medicare work?
- How do I figure out which plans my doctor accepts?
- How much will my prescriptions cost for the year?
- How are agents and independent brokers compensated?
We also cover which plan options are available in your area and what each plan entails, such as:
- Medicare Part A and B
- Medicare Advantage Plans (Part C)
- Prescription Drug Plans (Part D)
- Medicare Supplement Plans (Medigap)
Privacy Policy: We protect your privacy. Information is confidential and never shared with any unaffiliated third parties. Please provide your best email and mobile phone to ensure delivery.
Do you have a Medicare strategy in place?
Don’t miss this information-packed event!
This no-cost presentation will show you:
How each part of Medicare A through D works.
The information you need to make personalized decisions.
Strategies that may boost your retirement income and potentially reduce your taxes.
Meet Your Hosts
Kelly J. Carter & Stephanie Wendt, Licensed Independent Agents

© 2024 Your Retirement Reality | Privacy Policy
Kelly J. Carter: CA Insurance #0E89958
Stephanie Wendt: CA Insurance License #2127344
Investment advisory services offered through duly registered individuals on behalf of CreativeOne Wealth, LLC a Registered Investment Adviser. CreativeOne Wealth, LLC and Beacon Retirement Planning Group, Inc. are unaffiliated entities. Licensed Insurance Professional.
Medicare Advantage Plans are insured or covered by a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract and/or a Medicare-approved Part D sponsor. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare. We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact Medicare.gov or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all of your options. Availability of benefits and plans varies by carrier and location. Deductibles, copays and coinsurance may apply. Plans purchased after initial enrollment period are subject to eligibility requirements.
The information contained herein is based on our understanding of current tax law. The tax and legislative information may be subject to change and different interpretations. This presentation is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be financial, legal or tax advice. We recommend that you seek professional legal advice for applicability to your personal situation.
We are not affiliated with Medicare or any other government agency. By providing your information or attending this event, you may be contacted by a licensed insurance agent.